Pelican SacLUG site

I have been working on converting the SacLUG website to using Pelican. I forked the NBLUG site and I have been working to get it going with SacLUG on Github. The NBLUG guys have done a great job!

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Stratux Build Iteration 0.1

This is my current Stratux build. It uses the standard Raspberry Pi cases, the Raspberry Pi 3, two Nooelec NESDR SDRs, a NooElec 1090 SMA antenna, a NooElec 978 SMA antenna, and an external U-BLOX 7 GPS module. I used an USB hub from Best Buy for plugging in the SDRs and the GPS. It runs my slightly customized fork. I put in two suction cups for fastening it to the rear window. Thus far, I have used it with Cessna 152. I used foam core and a hot glue gun to construct the mounting. One of the issues is that the plane vibration seems to have affected the connection of the SDRs in the USB hub. I also got Waverunner Pi hat, yet I have not attempted to add it yet.

Stratux Build
Stratux build
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Sample code test

This is hello world code snippet in C++

<code>#include &lt;iostream>

using namespace std;

int main() {
	cout &lt;&lt; "Hello cruel world" &lt;&lt; endl;
	return 0;
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Import Module Node JS

I just started working with Node JS and the ESM Standard with the import statement. I got the repeated error SyntaxError: Cannot use import statement outside a module. I searched the internet and this is the closest I came with finding information regarding modules.

Put the following in b.js. It has the value we want to export

<code>export const myValue = 42;</code>

Put this in a.js. It will import the value from b.js

<code>import { myValue } from './b.js';
console.log('The value of b is:', myValue); // use imports</code>

To make all this work, we need to create a package.json file, so that it will allow the import.

  "name": "my-package",
  "version": "1.0.0",
  "type": "module"

Now run it.

<code>$ node a.js</code>

Output should look like this

<code>The value of b is: 42</code>
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Tracking that feeds NMEA file

The following will do real time tracking using gpsbabel and write it to a file for my Etrex 10

gpsbabel -T -i garmin,baud=38400,get_posn -f /dev/ttyUSB0 -o nmea -F mylocation.nmea

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Read GPS location over serial Garmin Etrex 10

This is the command I used

I attached the Garmin Etrex 10 to Fedora using the USB cable. I put myself in the dialup group and the command executed without issue.

gpsbabel -i garmin,get_posn -f /dev/ttyUSB0 -o kml -F myposition.kml

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Super single

I have been riding the following single speed bike.

Public Single Speed bike on roof
Super Single mounted to the roof
Public Single speed bike on roof
Super Single with the sky in the background
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Let’s encrypt for www and non-www

I enabled letsencrypt for today. Turns out for www and non-www, you have to give it the -d option for the and the -d option for the non-www domain. It works now for both. Yay for letsencrypt.

As root, do the following on Debian Squeeze.

# certbot --authenticator standalone --installer apache \
 -d -d --pre-hook "service apache2 stop" --post-hook "service apache2 start"

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Madbomber2 development using SDL2

I have been working on redeveloping Bill Kendrick’s Madbomber game so that it runs on Android. Bill originally wrote Madbomber back in 1999 in SDL1. When I bought the Android Nexus 7 tablet, I thought that it would be a good platform for running madbomber as it has become a popular game platform. SDL2 now supports Android, so I have been rewriting it for SDL2. I also made the source so that it uses autoconf, so that it will check for proper libraries. I haven’t done a full release of the Android version of the game, but once I do the release of the Android game, I will publish the source for the Android. It’s actually the same source, put you just have to put into the Android build framework. Check out Madbomber2 sources.

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Updated Raffle app so that winner can choose his prize

I updated the Raffle application so that the winner can choose his prize. I need to get this on Git. In the meantime, check the source here. It still has it so that you can pick a prize and then a random winner.


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